Reviewers Praise the Statesmen's Christmas Concert
The Beehive Statesmen entertained the crowds with an inspiring performance of traditional Christmas songs in the barbershop style Monday night, Dec 2. Hosted by the Utah Cultural Celebration Center, the Statesmen continued their tradition of providing a free Christmas concert that is both inspiring and entertaining. The wonderful audience of over 250 persons were kind enough to laugh at the corney jokes and were genuinely engaged throughout the performance. The Statesmen wish to express their continued gratitude to the Salt Lake Zoo Arts and Parks program for their continuing support that makes our performances and out reach possible as well as our wonderful partnership with the Sons of Utah Pioneers. The Statesmen are proud of their efforts to embody our motto of 'Service Through Singing'. We will have performed for 19 senior living homes in addition to many other concerts for the public through this year. Going strong for over 70 years, the Beehive Statesmen look forward to continuing this service tradition in the coming years.
We are grateful for the exciting review of our Christmas concert published by Front Row Reviewers Utah that can be reached at the following link: