Salt Lake City 2019 BHS International Convention
The Barbershop World came knocking at our door!
For the 5th time the Barbershop Harmony Society held its International Convention in Salt Lake City on July 1-6. The convention, formally hosted by the Beehive Statesmen and 3 other area chapters, was held at the Little America Hotel and the LDS Conference Center. It included chorus and quartet competitions, as well as many educational classes, and a myriad of opportunities to sing with some of the world's best singers. The Statesmen were heavily involved in the convention as volunteers, helping with set-up, tear-down, registration, manning the door, assisting the judges and handling a myriad of other duties. The Statesmen also attended many classes including; Bel Canto singing by Debra Lynn, quartet coaching by Steve Scott, performance techniques by Shawn Mondragon, music arranging by Steve Delahanty, and Parody writing by Shane Scott and Eddie Holt. As members of the Rocky Mountain District, the Statesmen were represented at the convention by two choruses, the Saltaires, and Sound of the Rockies, as well as district quartet champion Maelstrom.
Westminster Chorus Wins Gold in 2019 Chorus Contest in Salt Lake City
Signature Dazzles to a Gold Medal in the 2019 Quartet Contest